Wednesday, July 24, 2013

5 Simple Things That Can Quickly Aggravate Your Acne

We know that most people who have acne also have sensitive skin. The problem with sensitive skin is that the skin is so sensitive to external influences, so that if you treat it incorrectly, you might aggravate your acne or make your acne to spread all over your face. Even simple things can cause your acne to become bigger. Here are 5 simple things that can quickly aggravate your acne:

1. Touching your acne with your fingers

"Ouch! This acne is so painful!" You touch it. And you touch it again several minutes later. Oh no, you scratch it, you pinch it, trying to force the whitehead to come out. My friend, if you do it often, it will only damage your skin. Even though you are sure that it won't damage your skin, you'll only trigger more acne to appear in your skin, in places that you never expect before. So, refrain from touching your acne, aside from applying some natural acne spot treatments once in a while. Even so, you should do it only after you've washed your face clean with fresh water.

2. Eating eggs, meats, and nuts

I know that those foods are so delicious. Who doesn't like eggs, meats, and nuts? I think everybody likes them. But, if your skin is sensitive, and you can easily have acne breakout, you should be careful with those foods. Eggs, meats, and nuts can easily aggravate your acne because they will promote toxic build-up within your body, which will trigger acne to appear very quickly.

3. Changing your clothes less than twice a day

Do you think that you always have clean clothes? Not so fast, my friend. If you don't change it at least twice a day, your clothes will be the home for sweat and dirt from your body, especially if you're doing lots of activities during the day. As a result, those sweat will cause unhealthy environment for your body. And remember that a dirty, sweaty, and oily body can become a great place for acne to flourish. So, change your clothes regularly in the morning and in the evening to keep your body clean. Don't forget to take a bath as well, my friend.

4. Sleeping late

Drinking and smoking while partying until morning is a very common lifestyle today. But, do you know that sleeping late can cause more acne to appear in your body? Even though you're not drinking and smoking together with your friends, the effect is still the same. Sleeping late is unhealthy for your body. Remember that your body needs sleep to restore its skin health. If you don't give your body the opportunity to heal your acne, then you will only aggravate your acne in the end.

5. Thinking negatively about everything

Do you know that so many good people are encouraging you to have a positive thinking attitude in your life? That's true, my friend. Positive thinking can promote well-being. And of course, it can also promote skin health. When you think negatively about everything, you will tend to build more stress and depression, which is of course unhealthy for your skin. Stress and depression are so dangerous for your mental and body health, and they have led so many people to commit suicide. More importantly, it is scientifically proven that stress can aggravate your acne. So, you should try to think positively about everything. After all, what have you got to lose by doing that?

Those are the things that can aggravate your acne quickly. Have you done some of those things? If so, try to avoid doing those things, okay? It's for the sake of your skin health.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

What Is the Role of Egg in Acne Treatment?

Raw eggs definitely smell awful yet their remedial effect on the skin can be awesome. Used in combination with other ingredients, the constituents of egg - egg white and yolk - can be used to prepare skin applications that can help maintain natural clear skin. Raw eggs have been effectively used to formulate home remedies for acne, a skin disorder that virtually everyone must battle with at some point in their lives. Read on to learn more!

Eggs are a vital source of B Complex vitamins that aid in red blood cell development and facilitate proper energy distribution throughout the body. They contain selenium, which is capable of preventing hardening of arteries and some types of cancers. Egg white or albumen contains 90 percent water and 10 percent nutrients - proteins, vitamins, minerals and glucose. Its acne-fighting property can be attributed to the presence an enzyme called lysozyme, which attacks bacterial cell walls to fight infection. Acne-causing bacteria, which have hard cell walls made up of carbohydrate chains and peptide strands, give in to the action of lysosome.

For a simple recipe, beat the white portion of two to three eggs in a bowl and apply it as a face mask. Leave for about a quarter of an hour and rinse. The mask will remove the excess oil from your face and expedite the healing of acne. For a more effective formula, mix the juice of half a lemon with one egg white and apply on your face, avoiding the eyes and mouth.

Egg white, lemon and honey can be used in varying combinations to suit your skin type. For example, a mixture of one egg white, one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of witch hazel is thought to be effective for oily skin treatment. Egg yolk has astringent properties, meaning it shrinks your skin pores and reduces the likelihood of clogging. It also has vitamin A, which helps reduce acne marks and inflammation. Whip egg yolk and spread it on your face using a brush, say makeup brush, and rinse after about twenty minutes.

However, the role of eggs in your diet can have conflicting effects on your skin. To put things in perspective, non-organic eggs, i.e. eggs that come from hormone and antibiotic-injected poultry can disrupt hormonal balance in your body. And, hormonal fluctuations - the root cause of acne - trigger the sebaceous glands in your skin, resulting in excessive secretion of sebum, which in turn traps dead cells, debris and bacteria, thereby resulting in inflammation and acne. Such eggs can also disturb the bacterial balance in your intestine, resulting in adverse effects on your skin. If you doubt that egg intake is exacerbating your acne, try removing eggs from your routine diet for a few months, and monitor the difference. You may also cut back on egg products, such as cake and pasta. A keen observation will help you determine whether or not to eliminate eggs from your diet.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Salicylic Acid for Acne Scar Treatment

Acne scars in most cases appear as red marks. They tend to last for some weeks, or even months after the pimple has vanished. The good thing is that there are over-the-counter products that help in acne scar treatment.

Exfoliating is a natural way that can be used to lighten and also fade acne scars. When done on the skin it sheds off the top layer of skin cells and unearths the skin layer that is directly underneath. The new layer has the potential to be unmarred and fresh.

For acne scar treatment, you can use a scrub that contains fine grains or alternatively gently rub the area with a skin brush that is dry. These are two easy ways that you can adopt to remove surface-level skin cells. Doing exfoliation repeatedly is necessary if you want to get rid of acne scars completely. It is advisable that you exfoliate not less than once a week till the scar fades.

There are several peels that have proven to be reliable acne scar treatment options. Fading peels help to decrease the redness in scars and reduce the appearance of the scars. They contain a small percentage of salicyclic acid or glycolic acid solution. The solution prevents any breakouts in the future and fades scars.

Salicyclic acid is a good scar and acne treatment. It works by weakening the bonds between skin cells. It encourages exfoliation and guarantees minimal risk of irritation. A peel that has glycolic acid helps stimulate collagen production in the layers of skin that is underneath. The skin layers will eventually emerge if exfoliation is done regularly. It will not have any scars. The peel should be used two or three times on a weekly basis if you want to get good results.

Acne spot treatments have been made in such a way that they can deal with pimples when they first appear. They also help get rid of post-acne scarring. The gels have a 2% salicyclic acid solution.

In order to make a pimple fade and also prevent scarring there are a couple of steps that you must follow:

    Use a cotton swab to dab a small amount of the gel directly on the pimple before going to bed.
    Avoid using your hands. Bacteria from your hands can be transferred to the pimple which will irritate it more.
    In the morning make sure that you wash your face. This is a good way to prevent scarring. If by any chance scarring occurs, continue applying the gel every night on the area affected. Over time, the gel will fade the scar.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How To Cure Hormonal Acne Easily In 7 Steps

Acne can appear because of hormonal imbalances within your body. There are various hormonal changes within your body that can easily trigger acne to appear in your skin, especially if you have very sensitive skin. That's because hormonal changes can affect the production of sebum in your body, which will also affect the formation of acne in your skin. If you have hormonal acne problem, here are 7 steps to cure your hormonal acne easily:

1. Control your mood

Your mood can easily trigger the changes of your body's hormones. If you have bad mood, hormonal imbalances can happen easily. That's why you have to control your mood carefully and make sure that you have a healthy mood most of the time. Controlling your mood can help you to control the hormonal changes within your body, which will also help you to reduce the symptom of hormonal acne in your skin.

2. Don't be too aggressive in your treatment

When you have hormonal acne, your skin will become very sensitive. A wrong skin treatment can aggravate your acne easily. It is important for you to use a safe skin care treatment to cure your acne. Don't be too aggressive in your treatment, since it will only cause more acne to appear.

3. Eat healthy foods

Healthy foods contain various types of nutrients that are useful for your skin health, such as antibiotic, vitamins, antioxidants, and so on. Eating healthy foods will help you to reduce the appearance of your acne and keep the hormonal activities in balance. If you eat too much unhealthy foods, you will only give more toxins to your body, which will trigger more hormonal imbalances within your body.

4. Reduce your stress

When you experience hormonal changes within your body, you will tend to increase your stress level. However, a high stress level can make your acne persist. So, the best way for you to avoid this problem is to reduce your stress level and keep your mind relaxed during this period. Hormonal changes will not happen forever, so you just need to make sure that you can keep your mind relaxed during this period in order to avoid acne to appear in your skin.

5. Apply holistic treatment

Holistic treatment focuses on the treatment of the entire body. It means that you will not only treat your acne symptom, but you will also treat your acne from inside. Contrary to conventional treatment, holistic treatment will give you better and more significant result since it can help you to treat the root cause of your acne instead of treating only the symptom of your acne.

6. Exercise regularly

When you do regular exercise, you will keep your body's hormone in balance. You will also be able to keep a healthy air circulation within your body, which will allow you to remove the toxins within your body. Regular exercise can significantly help your body to reduce your acne symptom.

7. Have a good rest

The period of rest will allow your body to rebalance your hormones. If you keep yourself active, with very little rest during the day, you'll keep on triggering the hormonal imbalances within your body. A good rest will also allow your body to restore your skin health and let your body to do its natural work to cure your acne from within.